poor man's benchmark :)


multi core aware, use bench-euler +RTS -N2 where 2 means 2 cores, and
watch your cpu fries :)

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 7:24 AM, Andy Georges
<andy.geor...@elis.ugent.be> wrote:
> Hi Simon et al,
> I've picked up the HaBench/nofib/nobench issue again, needing a decent set of 
> real applications to do some exploring of what people these days call 
> split-compilation. We have a framework that was able to explore GCC 
> optimisations [1] -- the downside there was the dependency of these 
> optimisations on each other, requiring them to be done in certain order -- 
> for a multi-objective search space, and extended this to exploring a JIT 
> compiler [2] for Java in our case -- which posed its own problems. Going one 
> step further, we'd like to  explore the tradeoffs that can be made when 
> compiling on different levels: source to bytecode (in some sense) and 
> bytecode to native. Given that LLVM is quicly becoming a state-of-the-art 
> framework and with the recent GHC support, we figured that Haskell would be 
> an excellent vehicle to conduct our exploration and research (and the fact 
> that some people at our lab have a soft spot for Haskell helps too). Which 
> brings me back to benchmarks.
> Are there any inputs available that allow the real part of the suite to run 
> for a sufficiently long time? We're going to use criterion in any case given 
> our own expertise with rigorous benchmarking [3,4], but since we've made a 
> case in the past against short running apps on managed runtime systems [5], 
> we'd love to have stuff that runs at least in the order of seconds, while 
> doing useful things. All pointers are much appreciated.
> Or if any of you out there have (recent) apps with inputs that are open 
> source ... let us know.
> -- Andy
> [1] COLE: Compiler Optimization Level Exploration, Kenneth Hoste and Lieven 
> Eeckhout, CGO 2008
> [2] Automated Just-In-Time Compiler Tuning, Kenneth Hoste, Andy Georges and 
> Lieven Eeckhout, CGO 2010
> [3] Statistically Rigorous Java Performance Evaluation, Andy Georges, Dries 
> Buytaert and Lieven Eeckhout, OOPSLA 2007
> [4] Java Performance Evaluation through Rigorous Replay Compilation, Andy 
> Georges, Lieven Eeckhout and Dries Buytaert, OOPSLA 2008
> [5] How Java Programs Interact with Virtual Machines at the 
> Microarchitectural Level, Lieven Eeckhout, Andy Georges, Koen De Bosschere, 
> OOPSLA 2003
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