Hi Max,

very interesting observations!

By the way, you can use this stuff to solve the restricted monad
problem (e.g. make Set an instance of Monad). This is not that useful
until we find out what the mother of all MonadPlus is, though, because
we really need a MonadPlus Set instance.

I'm not sure whether this is TMOA MonadPlus, but here is a set monad with MonadPlus instance (code below).


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module SetMonad where

import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus(..) )

newtype SetMonad a
    = SetMonad { (>>-) :: forall b . Ord b => (a -> Set b) -> Set b }

fromSet :: Set a -> SetMonad a
fromSet  =  Set.fold (mplus . return) mzero

toSet :: Ord a => SetMonad a -> Set a
toSet s  =  s >>- Set.singleton

instance Monad SetMonad where
    return x  =  SetMonad ($x)
    a >>= f   =  SetMonad (\k -> a >>- \x -> f x >>- k)

instance MonadPlus SetMonad where
    mzero        =  SetMonad (\_ -> Set.empty)
    a `mplus` b  =  SetMonad (\k -> Set.union (a >>- k) (b >>- k))


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