Generics can help. But they are much slower than pattern matching.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Generics
import Control.Monad.State

type A = ( Int, String )
data B = B Int String deriving ( Show, Typeable, Data )

f :: ( Typeable a, Data d ) => [ a ] -> d -> d
f s = changeField 2 ( s ++ )

changeField :: ( Typeable a, Num n, Data d ) => n -> ( a -> a ) -> d -> d
changeField num fun input = evalState ( gmapM f input ) 1
   f a = do
   x <- get
   put $ x + 1
   mkM ( \ a -> return $ if num == x then fun a else a ) a

*Main> f "asd" $ B 123 "dsa"
B 123 "asddsa"
*Main> f "asd" ( 123, "dsa" )

Alexey Karakulov ?????:
I wonder if pattern matching could be less verbose. Maybe this sounds weird, but here is example of what I mean:

> type A = (Int, String)
> f :: String -> A -> A
> f s (i,s') = (i, s ++ s')
> data B = B Int String deriving Show
>g :: String -> B -> B
>g s (B i s') = B i $ s ++ s'

Types A/B and functions f/g are quite similar: (x :: A) or (x :: B) means that x contains some integer and string values, and f/g functions take some string and prepend it to the string part of x. The code for f and g has the same level of verbosity, but -- ta-dah! -- we can use arrows and define f in a highly laconic manner:

> import Control.Arrow
> f' :: String -> A -> A
> f' = second . (++)

So my queastion is how I could define (g' :: String -> B -> B) in the same way.

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