Have you got SVG or PNG versions of those logos?

On 17 July 2010 14:54, Phyx <loneti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I like it, I just have 2 small observations:
> 1. I don't think it's actually centered, on my resolution from the left to 
> the "The Haskell Platform" is about 8 inches, but from the right to it is 11.
>    My eyes just keep telling me "something's wrong"
> 2. Could you maybe update the windows flag from that xp flag to the current 
> mate one? I think it would also look better on that design 
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/images/gallery/logos/web/Windows_generic_v_web.jpg
> Or the current windows 7 flag 
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/images/gallery/logos/web/Windows7_v_Web.jpg
> The colors I believe are much nicer on those.
> Regards,
> Phyx
> -----Original Message-----
> From: haskell-cafe-boun...@haskell.org 
> [mailto:haskell-cafe-boun...@haskell.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Done
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 14:32
> To: Andrew Coppin
> Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Design for 2010.2.x series Haskell Platform site
> On 17 July 2010 13:37, Andrew Coppin <andrewcop...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Thomas Schilling wrote:
>>> Haters gonna hate.
>> Well, I don't *hate* it. It just looks a little muddy, that's all. I
>> tend to go for bright primary colours. But, as you say, each to their own...
>> The actual layout isn't bad. A bit tall-and-thin, but otherwise OK.
>>> The new wiki will have a user preference to switch back to the
>>> default monobook style.  You can always do that if you want.  It
>>> doesn't work fully, yet, but that's on my ToDo list.
>> Heh, well, maybe if we make half a dozen styles, there will be at
>> least one that everyone is happy with. ;-)
> Hi Andy, thanks for the kind words. Whether we like the default theme or not 
> right now, I still think it's important that the first thing a newbie sees 
> makes a good impression. The fact that you can change the default theme to 
> something else is irrelevant. Personally I agree it's a bit Ubuntu without 
> the modernness, it's more Age of Empires/CIV, 
> we-do-archeology-with-our-italics-serif-font (I find it a chore to read, 
> can't imagine what people who aren't native to the Latin character would 
> think), and the Haskell logo is oddly placed so that it looks more like an 
> advertisement, search should always be on the right hand side, navigation 
> should really be on the left, putting on the right is iffy. I do like the 
> orange links. But also if we liked it, regardless, we should do user testing 
> (checkout Don't Make Me Think, Rocket Surgery Made Easy).
> Sadly nobody has the time nor inclination to do proper web development and 
> actually test designs and get feedback, so I suppose we're working with the 
> time we've got. At least with theme support, we can write a load of themes, 
> and then perhaps do a vote on what people think makes the best impression as 
> a default. That seems most efficient and fair.
> I'll certainly make a couple.
> Hats off to Thomas for implementing a more friendly theme.
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