Niemeijer, R.A. wrote:
Is it just me, or does aligning [OSX,Win,Linux] `zip` [Comprehensive,
Robust, CuttingEdge] send the wrong message...

Yeah, I noticed that too when designing it, but at the time it didn't bother me 
too much.

I know folks who'd refute all three of those associations, so... :)

I do see how it could confuse some people though, so I've made a design 
that solves this problem. I think it also makes for a better landing page for 
people who
don't yet know anything about Haskell, since the current design doesn't explain 
Haskell actually is. I'll let you guys be the judge though.

New alternative:

I like that one. The intro blurbs for Haskell/HP are nice for newcomers, it avoids the aforementioned issue, and it's less ostentatious in its advertising.


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