On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:27:49 -0300, you wrote:

>Nope.  For example, suppose we have:
>  int randomNumber(int min, int max);
>  randomNumber :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
>In Haskell if we say
>  (+) <$> randomNumber 10 15 <*> randomNumber 10 15
>That's the same as
>  let x = randomNumber 10 15
>  in (+) <$> x <*> x
>If we had in C:
>  return (randomNumber(10, 15) + randomNumber(10, 15))
>That would not be the same as:
>  int x = randomNumber(10, 15)
>  return (x + x)

I think you're misinterpreting what Martijn is saying. He's not talking
about referential transparency at all. What he's saying is that in a
language like C, you can always replace a function call with the code
that constitutes the body of that function. In C-speak, you can "inline"
the function.

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