On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Andrew Coppin
<andrewcop...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>  On 16/09/2010 08:52 AM, Michael Snoyman wrote:
>> future it would be beneficial to the community to have this
>> information centralized on a website. I think it would be useful to
>> have some basic skills and experience information, including system
>> administration abilities.
> [..]
> (And yes, given the frequency with which this gets asked, we should probably
> write this info down somewhere!)

OK, I'll bite on this one. I just registered the domain name
haskellers.com (I was surprised it was available). So let me ask the
community what information they would want out there. Here's the ideas
I had:

* Users can create their own profiles. Profiles have the following information:
    * Basic name, contact, website, photo, etc.
    * Brief bio
    * Skills. We'll probably have a list of skills to choose from.
    * Notable projects worked on, with strong focus on Hackage packages.
* Some kind of "web of trust" feature, where users can confirm that
someone else's profile is accurate. Open to suggestions on this.
* A public message board for posting job information. I think this
would not require login to post, but we would have spam protection

And then of course the basic what is Haskell, links to haskell.org,
etc. I'll probably be able to get started on this early next week.

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