Hi Ben,

>>> How can I disable the standard arguments 'help' and 'version'?

In general I suggest you email the author of the cmdargs package
directly, as well as cc'ing the mailing list (otherwise the author
might miss this message, as I did!)

In CmdArgs there is currently no way to suppress either --help or
--version, but I am currently reviewing a patch (from you!) and expect
that the next version will have both these features. The hard part is
making sure the defaults match what people expect and that the options
to modify the behaviour are discoverable and natural, but I'm sure
I'll find something.

Thanks, Neil

>> If you're not fully committed to the cmdargs package, you might try my
>> package 'console-program' instead
>> <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/console-program>. It does not have
>> built-in "--help" or "--version" functionality. (There is a function
>> 'showUsage' that takes the description of the command/option structure
>> of your program, and prints "--help" style usage information, but you
>> use this at your own discretion.)
> Thanks, looks good. I will certainly try it out.
> Cheers
> Ben
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