On 20/10/2010 09:48 PM, Anton van Straaten wrote:
It's pretty easy to get the basics going. There are a bunch of options. Start here:


For what you're asking about, I'd suggest looking at the following options from that page. All of these options involve linking a web server library into your Haskell app, so it's self-contained and all you need is a browser to talk to it:

#6: Snap + custom code: Snap is simple to get started with, and is good if you know exactly what HTML/Javascript you need to generate and don't mind doing it more or less manually. If you're looking for richer library support for developing HTML UIs, consider the next option.

#2: Snap + Yesod: Yesod will give you many of the framework features you might want for developing web UIs. (Not sure about JavaFX though.)

#1: Happstack: an ambitious web server / framework with some fancy features like its own data persistence system.

One other tool worth considering if you're doing a lot of Javascript with Haskell is JMacro: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Jmacro

It lets you embed Javascript code directly in Haskell, and easily embed Haskell data into that code.

I'd like to have a go at writing CGI in Haskell. However, I don't really want to install and configure the likes of Apache just to quickly test a simple CGI script. I was hoping that I could find a trivial little HTTP server on Hackage somewhere that would be just a simple binary that I can execute and feed CGI binaries to. But alas, the closest thing I can find is


Alas, this does not work on Windows since it depends on the "unix" package. (In fact, almost every network-related package on Hackage depends on "unix", for reasons beyond my powers of comprehension...)

(I also looked at non-Haskell lightweight web servers, but they all unanimously don't support CGI at all, or only support CGI _scripts_, but arbitrary executables...)

Does anybody know of a solution that works on Windows?

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