Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
> Henning Thielemann wrote:
>> Vo Minh Thu schrieb:
>>> Every once in a while, a discussion about the top-level text on
>>> Haskell.org pops in this list. Without paying much attention to this
>>> thread, and without digging the older threads, it occurs to me that
>>> different people have very different opinion on this subject. I think
>>> this is not a problem at all, because of the following thought:
>>> When someone is interested enough in a programming language to land on
>>> its homepage (i.e. haskell.org here), that someone has enough
>>> resources at her disposal to make a somewhat informed choice, and
>>> those resources can't be only a top-level text on the homepage.
>> When thinking about "What would I like to see when judging a programming
>> language?", I found that I most like a gallery of small example programs.
> I started such a gallery in the style of a restaurant menu some years
> ago, but never got around to finishing it:
>    http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Haskell_a_la_carte

Very nice. Definitely worth linking to from the main page, even incomplete.


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