Hi Max,

neat idea! Haskell supports laziness even on the type level ;)

I tried to play with your code but did not get very far. I quickly ran into two problems.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

The annoying part of this exercise is the the presence of a "Force" in
the functor definition (e.g ListF) means that you can't make them into
actual Functor instances! The fmap definition gives you a function of
type (a -> b) and you need one of type (Force a -> Force b). However,
you can make them into a category-extras:Control.Functor.QFunctor

I think `Control.Functor.Categorical.CFunctor` is a more natural replacement for functor here. One can define

    instance CFunctor (ListF a) ForceCat Hask

and I was hoping that I could define `fold` based on CFunctor but I did not succeed. The usual definition of `fold` is

    fold :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
    fold f = f . fmap (fold f)

and I tried to replace this with

    fold :: CFunctor f ForceCat Hask => ...

but did not find a combination of type signature and definition that compiled.

My second problem came up when writing a `Show` instance for the `List` type. This works:

    instance Show a => Show (List a) where
      show Nil         = "Nil"
      show (Cons x xs) = "(Cons " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"

But trying to avoid TypeSynonymInstances leads to a non-terminating `show` function:

    instance (Show a, Show (Force rec)) => Show (ListF a rec) where
      show Nil         = "Nil"
      show (Cons x xs) = "(Cons " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"

Shouldn't both work?

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