On Nov 4, 2010, at 2:07 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

Besides, it's simple enough to just use the MonadLogic class and switch between concrete types, if you need to test performance.

You may even try to use only `MonadPlus` to get more instances. The only instances of `MonadLogic` are (basically) `[]` and `LogicT` but there are many more `MonadPlus` instances on Hackage. If you don't need the flexibility of `LogicT` I recommend using `MonadPlus`.

The fmlist package provides a list datatype that is similar to LogicT and an instance of `MonadPlus`. stream-monad is a surprisingly space efficient way to approach infinite search spaces but is also worth trying for finite searches. If you want to go parallel try tree-monad in combination with parallel-tree-search. And if stream-monad still uses too much memory for an infinite search space, try iterative deepening search from level-monad.


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