Black letters over dark blue background hurt my eyes.

On 6 Nov 2010, at 18:10, Alistair Ward wrote:

> I've just written a few packages which I think may be useful, and have made 
> them available as free opensource on a personal website 
> I opted to host them there rather than  uploading them to Hackage, because 
> they're part of a wider project.
> The main offerings are; a regex-engine which is polymorphic in terms of the 
> type of the input-data, a traditional character-based regex-engine derived 
> from it, and an application to determine the most efficient order in which to 
> pack files into a given storage-space.
> I understand this isn't the ideal venue in which announce new packages, but 
> having looked briefly at the "" mail-group and the 
> cerebral offerings there, I'm rather concerned that my meagre offerings may 
> resemble germs in a Dettol factory. Is there a more appropriate forum ?
> If anyone has the time, I'd also greatly appreciate any feedback on this s/w.
> Regards,
> Alistair Ward
> P.S. This is my first posting.
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