Hi Mark, Chris,

I had trouble as well but just found this pretty recent blog post by @freels
which worked like a charm for me:


I hope it works for you as well!

I've added Chris to the list of recipients because maybe he can incorporate
the fix directly into the installation process of HDBC-mysql.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Mark Lentczner <ma...@glyphic.com> wrote:

> I'm having trouble with HDBC-mysql on Mac OS X (10.6, Snow Leopard). It
> compiles and builds fine, but when loaded (into ghci), the dynamic loader
> complains about not being able to find libmygcc.dylib. The issue is, MySQL's
> libmygcc is a static lib, not a dynamic one, so of course it won't find it.
> I've checked the build sequence that HDBC-mysql uses, and it calls upon
> mysql_config to generate the lib options. I've checked those and they are
> correct, expressly listing libmygcc statically (!). I've tried building
> against both the 64bit and 32bit versions of MySQL libs. (Suspect that only
> the 32bit should work.)
> Anyone have HDBC-mysql running on 10.6? Any ideas for me to try would be
> appreciated.
>        - Mark
> Mark Lentczner
> http://www.ozonehouse.com/mark/
> IRC: mtnviewmark
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