On 11/21/10 10:48 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
   For example, I have a data A defined. Then I want to add (+) and (-)
operators to it, as a sugar (compared to addA/minusA). But * or other
stuff defined in class Num is meanless to A. So I just do:
(+) :: A ->  A ->  A
(+) a b =
   A (elem1 a + elem1 b) (elem2 a + elem2 b) -- I got errors here, for
the (+) is ambiguous.

   So, just wondering, does this way work in Haskell?

One solution to this problem is to use slightly modified operators, such as ".+." and ".-.", or anything else that crosses your fancy and is accepted by the compiler.

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