I only have some surface level questions/comments -

What existing packages is this similar to? How is it different from
any previous work in the area?

Also, likes looks like you don't need the 'Monad m' constraint on your
various Monad and Functor instances in Data.Iteration.Types, which I
think is one of the nicest properties of the continuation-based
approach to something like this.

It's a mater of taste which way to go, but I prefer importing modules
qualified rather than have type-suffixes on functions - so I would
rather use 'I.next' and 'A.next' instead of 'nextI' and 'nextA'. But
reasonable people can disagree on this.

Take care,

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Permjacov Evgeniy <permea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi. I Wrote a simple iteration library. It was not intensively tested,
> so it MAY contatin bugs, but it is very unlikely. The library is
> currently on github: https://github.com/permeakra/iteration
> I'm not ready to upload it to hackage, as some testing and extension is
> really needed. However, I'd like to know about possible flaws.
> Current goal is addition of byte-stream (de)compression and IO functions
> extenstion. After this package will be cabalized and uploaded to
> hackage. So, while design is not frozen yet, I'm interested in criticism -)/
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