I am using Vista x64. I have Haskell platform installed (Latest
varsion -available for Windows, 2010.2.0.0, GHC 6.12.3).
When I am trying to run picnic.hs from "How To Organize a Picnic on a
Computer" tutorial. I get this:

C:\...>runhaskell picnic.hs

    Warning: accepting non-standard pattern guards (use -
XPatternGuards to suppr
ess this message)
                 Just [x, y] <- matchRegex (mkRegex "([0-9.]+),
([0-9.]+)") s

    Warning: accepting non-standard pattern guards (use -
XPatternGuards to suppr
ess this message)
                 Just (_, e) <- find ((== p) . fst) a
picnic.hs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell Platform\2010.2.0.0\lib
x-posix-0.94.2\ghc-6.12.3\HSregex-posix-0.94.2.o: unknown symbol
picnic.hs: picnic.hs: unable to load package `regex-posix-0.94.2'

I have tried to update using (cmd is running as administrator):

C:\Windows\system32>cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org

And then installing package using cabal:

C:\Windows\system32>cabal install regex-posix [--reinstall] --global
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring regex-posix-0.94.4...
Preprocessing library regex-posix-0.94.4...
Building regex-posix-0.94.4...
[1 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap ( dist\build\Text\Regex\Posix
dist\build\Text\Regex\Posix\Wrap.o )
[2 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix.String ( Text\Regex\Posix
\String.hs, dist\bu
ild\Text\Regex\Posix\String.o )
[3 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix.Sequence ( Text\Regex\Posix
\Sequence.hs, dis
t\build\Text\Regex\Posix\Sequence.o )
[4 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix.ByteString ( Text\Regex\Posix
 dist\build\Text\Regex\Posix\ByteString.o )
[5 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix.ByteString.Lazy ( Text\Regex\Posix
g\Lazy.hs, dist\build\Text\Regex\Posix\ByteString\Lazy.o )
[6 of 6] Compiling Text.Regex.Posix ( Text\Regex\Posix.hs, dist\build
\Posix.o )
Registering regex-posix-0.94.4...
Installing library in C:\Program Files
Registering regex-posix-0.94.4...

And why the cabal package installs at "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Haskell"? Shouldn't it be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell


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