
It looks like you are using GHC 6.10, which is now a pretty old version of GHC. The latest version of the unix package on hackage requires a more recent version of GHC. You could try to force an older version of the unix library:

 cabal install happstack-server --constraints 'unix < 2.4'

But you might be better off upgrading to a newer compiler. The easiest way would be to install the latest haskell platform for the mac which includes GHC 6.12.3,


Alternatively, you could install GHC 7, which is the latest stable version of the compiler. happstack-server from darcs compiles against GHC 7. In fact, if you are planning to start new development using happstack, I would recommend the darcs version as it is very closed to being released and the documentation reflects the darcs version of the code.

More information on installing from darcs (which is easy) is here:


Hope this helps! If you have more questions I am happy to answer them!
- jeremy

p.s. The version of happstack-server on hackage was actually tested using GHC 6.10 and OS X, so it should be possible to get it working with out too much hacking if you really need GHC 6.10 for some reason.

On Dec 18, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Matthew Fairtlough wrote:

Hello Haskell-cafers,

I used to teach Haskell (and Clean!) at University level but haven't touched Haskell in years and certainly never used it with a Mac. Now I work in publishing and want to experiment with Haskell's web services and see if I can help set up an open-source system for handling ONIX xml data.

So I tried to install happstack-server (among several other things) and this depends on unix but cabal can't install unix. Error and diagnostics below as best as I could see to report them. Any tips/ pointers much appreciated; I'm not sure if this is a bug or where to report it if it is one...

thanks for any help. Matthew.

bash-3.2# cabal install unix
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: cannot configure unix- It requires base >=4.2 && <4.4
For the dependency on base >=4.2 && <4.4 there are these packages:
base-, base-, base- and base- However none of
them are available.
base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base - any base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base - any base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base - any base- was excluded because of the top level dependency base - any

bash-3.2# uname -a
Darwin Matthew-Fairtloughs-MacBook-Pro.local 10.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.5.0: Fri Nov 5 23:20:39 PDT 2010; root:xnu-1504.9.17~1/ RELEASE_I386 i386
bash-3.2# port version
Version: 1.9.2
bash-3.2# port info haskell-platform
haskell-platform @2009.2.0.2 (devel, haskell)

Description: This is the the Haskell Platform: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system. The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell
                     distilled from Hackage.
Homepage:             http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/

Runtime Dependencies: ghc, hs-platform-cgi, hs-platform-fgl,
                     hs-platform-editline, hs-platform-GLUT,
                     hs-platform-haskell-src, hs-platform-html,
hs-platform-HUnit, hs-platform-mtl, hs-platform- network,
                     hs-platform-OpenGL, hs-platform-parallel,
                     hs-platform-parsec, hs-platform-QuickCheck,
                     hs-platform-regex-base, hs-platform-regex-compat,
                     hs-platform-regex-posix, hs-platform-stm,
hs-platform-time, hs-platform-xhtml, hs- platform-zlib, hs-platform-HTTP, hs-platform-alex, hs-platform- happy,
Platforms:            darwin
License:              unknown
Maintainers:          gwri...@macports.org
bash-3.2# cabal -V
cabal-install version 0.6.2
using version of the Cabal library
bash-3.2# cabal info base
* base             (library)
   Synopsis:      Basic libraries
   Latest version available:
   Latest version installed:
   Homepage:      [ Not specified ]
   Bug reports:   
Description: This package contains the Prelude and its support libraries, and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities.
   License:       BSD3
   Maintainer:    librar...@haskell.org
   Source repo:   http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/base/
   Flags:         integer-simple
   Dependencies:  rts -any, ghc-prim -any, integer-simple -any,
                  integer-gmp -any
   Documentation: /opt/local/share/ghc-6.10.4/doc/ghc/libraries/base
   Cached:        No
<long list elided>

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