On 14/12/2010 08:35, Isaac Dupree wrote:
On 12/14/10 03:13, John Smith wrote:
I would like to formally propose that Monad become a subclass of
Applicative, with a call for consensus by 1 February. The change is
described on the wiki at

That page isn't written as a proposal yet, it's written as a bunch of
ideas. I would be happy to see something along the lines of Bas van
Dijk's work
http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/14740 .

This is a proposal with far-reaching consequences, and with several alternative designs. I'm not sure I understand all the tradeoffs. Some parts of the proposal are orthogonal to the rest (e.g. changing fmap to map), and should probably be considered separately.

Could someone please write a detailed proposal, enumerating all the pros and cons, and the rationale for this design compared to other designs?


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