On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:

Hi Henning,

> I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several
> things that are done in existing libraries could be done in plain
> Haskell in a better way.

Can you give any examples of this? I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just 
curious as to why you
would venture into the realm of TH without a reason.

E.g. refer to the recent discussion of storable-endian.


Or look into package 'encoding'. It uses TemplateHaskell in order to convert Text descriptions of character sets into Haskell tables. I think the character tables could be simply rewritten to Haskell syntax, or they could be parsed by a function, where the parsed content is unfolded at compile time. It could even be computed at runtime, since it is only computed once because of laziness.

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