I am CCing the maintainer of the package, in case they know of any
good resources for using HsOpenSSL.

It sounds like the package is a wrapper around the OpenSSL library.
Have you checked any OpenSSL tutorials? It is often easy enough to
transfer that sort of knowledge to the equivalent Haskell library,
depending on how the Haskell library was written.

I don't have any real experience to offer, though.

Take care,

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Charles-Pierre Astolfi <c...@crans.org> wrote:
> Hi -cafe,
> I'm using the OpenSSL package, and I don't see any way to forge my own keys.
> (http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/HsOpenSSL/0.9/doc/html/OpenSSL-RSA.html)
> For example, in the case of RSA, I'm given the exponent and modulus
> and I would like to create a public key from that, of type RSAPubKey.
> Is it possible ? How should I do?
> I'm not particularly tied to OpenSSL, anything that let me use RSA and
> DSA would be fine.
> Regards,
> --
> Cp
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