Hello fellow Haskellers!

I have a language I would like to prototype in Haskell. It's a 
'language-oriented' programming language based on Lisp, ML, and Python. It's a 
relatively small language, but should be powerful enough to have many of its 
features implemented in terms of itself (classes, actors, almost all syntax, 

While the project is compensated, I'm just a commercial game programmer by day 
and don't have a corporate budget, so part of the motivation is the joy of the 
project itself. Otherwise, I have a budget of $4k - $6k USD over the next 
several months to compensate someone to hack it up for me. I don't have much in 
the way of specs, and the design is ongoing (almost certainly some holes), but 
there is an overview of the design here - 

I really want to churn it out as a nice working concept to prove the language 
design and language oriented programming is practical even for soft-real time 
software like console games. The project will be open source throughout its 
development and the language will be free to use. I really want it to take off, 
despite my meager resources :)

Beyond that, I'm looking for charitable investors once the prototype is 
finished and proven. I want to find other people are so sick of writing 
soft-real time software in C-family languages at their work place that it's 
worth the donation. Perhaps there is some company who might be interested in 
further incubating the project if it proves commercially interesting :)

I do ask for the code to be reasonably clean as I would like to be able to help 
once I get some time. I would be implementing the thing fully myself, but I am 
way too swamped at work :) Since I have to rest my hands during my off hours, I 
would like to do most communication by voice. Feel free to record any of the 
communication if you like.

If anyone is interested and has the credentials to bring the project to 
fruition, please contact me at bryane...@yahoo.com straight away.


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