This formulation does not let me control the production of compressed chunks 
independently from the provision of input; a receiver may only be capable of 
consuming a tiny amount at a time, and I may have to resend some chunks. Which 
is the whole point: iteratee & friends are lopsided. They provide excellent 
control of an input stream to the iteratee, but there is no structure 
permitting equivalent control of the output stream.


John A. De Goes
Twitter: @jdegoes 

On Mar 27, 2011, at 3:22 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:

> On 3/27/11 11:38 AM, John A. De Goes wrote:
>> Enumeratees solve some use cases but not others. Let's say you want to 
>> incrementally compress a 2 GB file. If you use an enumeratee to do this, 
>> your "transformer" iteratee has to do IO. I'd prefer an abstraction to 
>> incrementally and purely produce the output from a stream of input.
> I don't see why? In pseudocode we could have,
>    enumRead2GBFile :: FilePath -> Enumerator IO ByteString
>    enumRead2GBFile file iter0 = do
>        fd <- open file
>        let loop iter = do
>                mline <- read fd
>                case mline of
>                    Nothing -> return iter
>                    Just line -> do
>                        iter' <- feed iter line
>                        if isDone iter'
>                            then return iter'
>                            else loop iter'
>        iterF <- loop iter0
>        close fd
>        return iterF
>    compress :: Monad m => Enumeratee m ByteString ByteString
>    compress = go state0
>        where
>        go state = do
>            chunk <- get
>            let (state',hash) = compressify state chunk
>            put hash
>            go state'
>    compressify :: Foo -> ByteString -> (Foo,ByteString)
> it's just a pipeline like function composition or shell pipes. There's no 
> reason intermediate points of the pipeline have do anything impure.
> -- 
> Live well,
> ~wren
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