
just so you know that I have almost no idea what I'm doing, I'm a complete
Haskell noob, but trying a bit I came up with this before getting stuck:

   class Drawable a where
      draw :: a -> String

   data Rectangle = Rectangle { rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double }
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    instance Drawable Rectangle where
      draw (Rectangle rx ry rw rh) = "Rect"
    data Circle = Circle { cx, cy, cr :: Double }
      deriving (Eq, Show)
    instance Drawable Circle where
      draw (Circle cx cy cr) = "Circle"

   data Shape = ???

Untill I read about existential types here:

And was able to complete the definition:

   data Shape = forall a. Drawable a => Shape a

Testing it with a silly example:

   main :: IO ()
   main =  do putStr (test shapes)

   test :: [Shape] -> String
   test [] = ""
   test ((Shape x):xs) = draw x ++ test xs

   shapes :: [Shape]
   shapes = [ Shape (Rectangle 1 1 4 4) , Shape (Circle 2 2 5) ]

Don't know if this helps...


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 07:49, Tad Doxsee <tad.dox...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been trying to learn Haskell for a while now, and recently
> wanted to do something that's very common in the object oriented
> world, subtype polymorphism with a heterogeneous collection.
> It took me a while, but I found a solution that meets
> my needs. It's a combination of solutions that I saw on the
> web, but I've never seen it presented in a way that combines both
> in a short note. (I'm sure it's out there somewhere, but it's off the
> beaten
> path that I've been struggling along.)  The related solutions
> are
> 1. section 3.6 of http://homepages.cwi.nl/~ralf/OOHaskell/paper.pdf
> 2. The GADT comment at the end of section 4 of
>    http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Heterogenous_collections
> I'm looking for comments on the practicality of the solution,
> and references to better explanations of, extensions to, or simpler
> alternatives for what I'm trying to achieve.
> Using the standard example, here's the code:
> data Rectangle = Rectangle { rx, ry, rw, rh :: Double }
>                        deriving (Eq, Show)
> drawRect :: Rectangle -> String
> drawRect r = "Rect (" ++ show (rx r) ++ ", "  ++ show (ry r) ++ ") -- "
>             ++ show (rw r) ++ " x " ++ show (rh r)
> data Circle = Circle {cx, cy, cr :: Double}
>                        deriving (Eq, Show)
> drawCirc :: Circle -> String
> drawCirc c = "Circ (" ++ show (cx c) ++ ", " ++ show (cy c)++ ") -- "
>             ++ show (cr c)
> r1 = Rectangle 0 0 3 2
> r2 = Rectangle 1 1 4 5
> c1 = Circle 0 0 5
> c2 = Circle 2 0 7
> rs = [r1, r2]
> cs = [c1, c2]
> rDrawing = map drawRect rs
> cDrawing = map drawCirc cs
> -- shapes = rs ++ cs
> Of course, the last line won't compile because the standard Haskell list
> may contain only homogeneous types.  What I wanted to do is create a list
> of
> circles and rectangles, put them in a list, and draw them.  It was easy
> for me to find on the web and in books how to do that if I controlled
> all of the code. What wasn't immediately obvious to me was how to do that
> in a library that could be extended by others.  The references noted
> previously suggest this solution:
> class ShapeC s where
>  draw :: s -> String
>  copyTo :: s -> Double -> Double -> s
> -- needs {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> data ShapeD  where
>  ShapeD :: ShapeC s => s -> ShapeD
> instance ShapeC ShapeD where
>  draw (ShapeD s) = draw s
>  copyTo (ShapeD s) x y = ShapeD (copyTo s x y)
> mkShape :: ShapeC s => s -> ShapeD
> mkShape s = ShapeD s
> instance ShapeC Rectangle where
>  draw = drawRect
>  copyTo (Rectangle _ _ rw rh) x y = Rectangle x y rw rh
> instance ShapeC Circle where
>  draw = drawCirc
>  copyTo (Circle _ _ r) x y = Circle x y r
> r1s = ShapeD r1
> r2s = ShapeD r2
> c1s = ShapeD c1
> c2s = ShapeD c2
> shapes1 = [r1s, r2s, c1s, c2s]
> drawing1 = map draw shapes1
> shapes2 = map mkShape rs ++ map mkShape cs
> drawing2 = map draw shapes2
> -- copy the shapes to the origin then draw them
> shapes3 = map (\s -> copyTo s 0 0) shapes2
> drawing3 = map draw shapes3
> Another user could create a list of shapes that included triangles by
> creating
> a ShapeC instance for his triangle and using mkShape to add it to a list of
> ShapeDs.
> Is the above the standard method in Haskell for creating an extensible
> heterogeneous list of "objects" that share a common interface?  Are there
> better
> approaches?  (I ran into a possible limitation to this approach that I plan
> to ask about later if I can't figure it out myself.)
> - Tad
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