Yes, I understand that - but if there is some install or usage dependency, or 
install procedure, I would hope to see it documented somewhere; perhaps I 
missed that?

The end result is that from the project page and install, it fails.  :-)

Earlier in the thread I noted that this was a Windows (w7 enterprise) system.
(I have first installed the standard Opencv distribution which should provide 
the cv libraries, but that did not help.)

The HOpenCv package page at hackage only describes Linux installation.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antoine Latter []
> The error isn't referring to a Haskell package - it is saying that it cannot 
> find the libraries
> installed on your computer.
> Note the line "Missing C libraries: cv, highgui, cv, highgui". These are not 
> referring to Haskell
> packages - they are referring to libcv and libhighgui, whatever those are.
> What sort of computer are you using?
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