2011-05-27 13:12, Simon Marlow skrev:
On 27/05/2011 08:35, Emil Axelsson wrote:

Lacking a proper blog, I've written some notes about Data.Unique here:


This describes a real problem that makes Data.Unique unsuitable for
implementing observable sharing.

The document also proposes a solution that uses time stamps to generate
symbols that are "more unique".

Does anyone have any comments on the proposed solution? Are there any
alternatives available?

This has nothing to do with Unique, you are simply using unsafePerformIO
in an unsafe way.  It is called unsafePerformIO for a reason :-)

Right, I wasn't suggesting this is a bug in Data.Unique. It's just that I need something different. I've added a note about this on the post.

Note that I am planning to wrap all this in a safe interface. So using unsafePerformIO should be fine in this case, as long as Unique symbols survive GHCi reloads.

/ Emil

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