Hi Aleksandar,

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Aleksandar Dimitrov
<aleks.dimit...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Say, we have an input file that contains a word per line. I want to find all
> unigrams (unique words) in that file, and associate with them the amount of
> times they occurred in the file. This would allow me, for example, to make a
> list of word frequencies in a given text.

Here's how I would do it:

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Ngram (countUnigrams) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import System.IO

foldLines :: (a -> S.ByteString -> a) -> a -> Handle -> IO a
foldLines f z0 h = go z0
    go !z = do
        eof <- hIsEOF h
        if eof
            then return z
            else do
                line <- S.hGetLine h
                go $ f z line
{-# INLINE foldLines #-}

-- Example use
countUnigrams :: IO (M.HashMap S.ByteString Int)
countUnigrams = foldLines (\ m s -> M.insertWith (+) s 1 m) M.empty stdin

> I have tried and tried again to avoid writing programs in Haskell that would
> leak space like BP likes to leak oil. However, I have yet to produce a single
> instance of a program that would do anything at all and at the same time 
> consume
> less memory than there is actual data in the input file.
> It is very disconcerting to me that I seem to be unable, even after quite some
> practice, to identify space leaks in trivial programs like the above. I know 
> of
> no good resource to educate myself in that regard. I have read the GHC manual,
> RWH's chapter on profiling, also "Inside T5"'s recent series on the Haskell
> heap, but no dice. Even if I can clearly see the exact line where at least 
> some
> of the leaking happens (as I can in this case,) it seems impossible for me to
> prevent it.
> *thank you very much* for reading this far. This is probably a mostly useless
> email anyhow, I just had to get it off my chest. Maybe, just maybe, someone
> among you will have a crucial insight that will save Haskell for me :-) But
> currently, I see no justification to not start my next project in Lua, Python 
> or
> Java. Sure, Haskell's code is pretty, and it's fun, but if I can't actually
> *run* it, why bother?  (Yes, this isn't the first time I've ran into this
> problem …)

We definitely need more accessible material on how to reliably write
fast Haskell code. There are those among us who can, but it shouldn't
be necessary to learn it in the way they did (i.e. by lots of
tinkering, learning from the elders, etc). I'd like to write a 60 (or
so) pages tutorial on the subject, but haven't found the time.

In addition to RWH, perhaps the slides from the talk on
high-performance Haskell I gave could be useful:



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