On 03/06/2011 12:26, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
On 3 June 2011 19:19, Guy<guytsalmave...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
On 03/06/2011 12:01, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

I believe the motivating example that persuaded the Language Committee to
allow these symbols was
which is not of course used anywhere in the standard libraries, but is an
extremely nice symbol to have available in user code.

Seeing as no library actually defines such a symbol, is it worth forcing an
extra space into comments? --| and --^ would be an extremely nice symbols
for haddock comments.

We already have to forms of comments: -- and {- -}; why do we need another two?

Think of it this way: the "--" defines the comment, and then we use
the "|" or "^" to indicate to _haddock_ to interpret this differently.
  I don't think we need to special-case symbols starting with "--" just
to avoid having to put a space in to delimit the comment indicator and
the markup indicator.

I wasn't proposing additional comment symbols; I'm proposing that anything 
beginning with -- is a comment.

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