On 09.08.2011 22:01, Ian Lynagh wrote:

The GHC Team is pleased to announce a new major release of GHC, 7.2.1.

The 7.2 branch is intended to be more of a "technology preview" than
normal GHC stable branches; in particular, it supports a significantly
improved version of DPH, as well as new features such as compiler
plugins and "safe Haskell". The design of these new features may evolve
as we get more experience with them. See the release notes for more
details of what's new and what's changed.

These sound like a lot of exciting news. The release notes also mention a VECTORISE pragma, that is not mentioned in
and not in the index. Is it about the planned GHC support for SSE/AltiVec vector units or is it about DPH?

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