On 24 August 2011 15:54, Sebastian Fischer <fisc...@nii.ac.jp> wrote:
>> I _think_ this may cause problems with some data types (e.g.
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/numbers/2009.8.9/doc/html/Data-Number-Natural.html
>> ) that require the extra laziness (that is, you can do things like ` 3
>> < genericLength [1..] ' and have it return True).
> Does the current version support this? The use of an accumulator (that
> is presumably returned after consuming the complete input) seems to
> suggest that your example would diverge anyway (but I did not try).

I was just trying to remember some of the tricks Daniel Peebles (aka
{co}pumpkin) used to do in #haskell with Data.List.genericLength.
I've never really used ListLike, but was just trying to guess why the
default implementation was as it is.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

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