On 09/12/11 17:48, Stephen Tetley wrote:
> Replying to someone's compliant in the first section:
> Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman's ICFP99 paper functioned well as a
> tutorial for HaXml when I used it - maybe it is a bit out of date now?
> HaXml is hardly a dire case.

The paper is out-of-date, so it's worse than useless: you'll waste your
time figuring out that it's wrong, and you still won't know how to do

There's not one single example anywhere that just shows you how to read
or write a damned XML file. HaXml is what prompted me to start this page
(bad language warning, if it ain't obvious):


If there were anything approaching a physical manifestation of HaXml, I
would've strangled it.

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