A user recently suggested changing the associativity of ($=) from [[
infixr 0 ]] to [[ infixl 1 ]]. This allows the following expressions
to be equivalent:

   run $ enumerator $$ enumeratee =$ enumeratee =$ iteratee
   run $ enumerator $= enumeratee $$ enumeratee =$ iteratee
   run $ enumerator $= enumeratee $= enumeratee $$ iteratee

Although this is technically a backward-incompatible change, I feel
it's small enough that it could go in a minor release *if nobody
depends on the current behavior*.

So, if anybody using 'enumerator' will have code broken by this
change, please speak up. If I don't hear anything in a week or so,
I'll assume it's all clear and will cut the new release.


Second, I was asked whether there's a mailing list for enumerator
stuff. To my knowledge there isn't, so I started one on librelist. To
subscribe and/or post, send an email to
haskell.enumera...@librelist.com . Archives are available at
http://librelist.com/browser/haskell.enumerator/ . I plan to make
release announcements there (for releases not important enough for
haskell-cafe), and it might be useful for general discussion.

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