On 25 October 2011 04:25, Brent Yorgey <byor...@seas.upenn.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 03:46:26PM +1100, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
>> Hmmm... might be interesting to try and use dot/neato/etc. to do the
>> layout of a graph, and then use diagrams for the actual
>> visualisation...
> I agree!  This has been on my list of
> things-to-do-with-diagrams-eventually for quite a while. It shouldn't
> even be very hard since your graphviz bindings can so nicely
> round-trip a graph description through dot/neato/etc. (right?)

Yup, it can.  It also has support for more easily adding and pulling
out "custom" attributes if you want to be able to tag them with more
information (albeit only with Text values at the moment); for example,
I use this for the round-trip'ing to be able to distinguish multiple
edges from each other.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

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