I've uploaded version 2999.12.0.4.

This release fixes the problem described by Max Rabkin below (who also
determined how to fix: I *always* get tripped up by asTypeOf :s).  It
also has improved documentation to help people that are wanting to
construct Dot graphs explicitly, and cleans up error messages produced
when provided Dot code isn't parseable (along with hints for common

On 11 November 2011 02:19, Max Rabkin <max.rab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My understanding of the documentation for Data.GraphViz.dotizeGraph
> and graphToGraph is that they should add position attributes to a
> graph. But they always seem to return graphs with empty attribute
> lists. What am I doing wrong in the following tiny example?
>> dotizeGraph nonClusteredParams (insNode (0, "Blah") $ empty :: Gr String ())
> 0:([],"Blah")->[]
> I expected the first list to contain at least a Pos attribute.
> I have written a wrapper around /usr/share/dot which shows the program
> is outputting positional information.
> --Max
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