On 29 November 2011 07:28, Daniel Díaz Casanueva <dhelta.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cafe,
> I only feel curious about what would be the consequences of becoming the
> Overloaded Strings feature (currently, an extension) to be default in
> Haskell. This is not a proposal. I just want to know what pros and
> cons there are.

One cons would be that you may need some more explicit type signatures
being used: I have the situation in my graphviz library where both
Text and String have instances of some classes (e.g. Labellable, which
has a method toLabel :: (Labellable a) => a -> Label) which result in
explicit "String" values in the source code result in the compiler not
knowing which instance to use (e.g. toLabel "hi").

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

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