On 4/12/2011, at 7:32 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:
> Part of the problem is that, as Alexey says, the first element of argv is 
> just whatever is passed to exec, which is not guaranteed to be a complete 
> path, a canonical path, or any other specific thing we'd desire. It's not at 
> all straightforward to determine the actual location of the executable, 
> especially not in a platform-independent manner. argv[0] can't be trusted, 
> scanning through $PATH isn't guaranteed to find it (and even if you find 
> something of the right name, it's not guaranteed to be the correct 
> executable), etc etc.

In particular, with posix_spawnp(), the $PATH that is used to find the 
and the $PATH in the environment that the executable starts with can be two 
different things.

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