On 12/11/2011 01:36 AM, Antoine Latter wrote:

It looks like the function 'xmlParse' returns a value of type
'Document Posn', according to the API docs. I'm guessing the 'Posn'
value is used to annotate the position in the source document a
particular piece of XML came from, so you can report errors better.

Since the pretty-printing functions ignore it, you can replace it with
whatever you want, even with a value of a different type if you have a
need to annotate the tree.

Thanks, I was able to get it working after a little sleep/coffee.

The migration guide says to replace all of the 'i' with () if you don't care about them, so I tried that, but it doesn't work in this case: the two 'i' in (CElem (Element i) i) have to match.

The only way I see to construct a Posn is with noPos, so I stuck that in there. It's probably not correct, but it compiles and runs, so it's correct =)

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