> From: Christoph Breitkopf <chbreitk...@googlemail.com>
> Hi,
> I recently asked about what interfaces to implement for a new data type.
> Following the rule that the last 10% of work take the second 90% of time,
> some other questions have come up.
> If anyone wants to look at the code in question:
> http://www.chr-breitkopf.de/comp/IntervalMap
> Some time ago, I was looking for a data structure to search in sets of
> possibly
> overlapping intervals, and found only Data.SegmentTree, which did not fit
> my needs
> (nice term for "I did not understand the type signatures").

I can't answer any of your specific questions, although I've published
a related structure in the splaytree package
(http://hackage.haskell.org/package/splaytree).  The interface is
minimal, although it suits my needs and I'd be happy to extend it if
someone else found it worthwhile.

The difference between my data structure (which I've called a
RangeSet) and a standard IntervalSet is that overlapping ranges are
combined, and if part of a range is deleted, the affected range is
modified and possibly split e.g.

> let set1 = singleton $ range 0 5
>      set2 = insert (range 2 5) set1

after this, set2 has one node representing the range 0-7.

Staying on topic, my package puts everything under
`Data.SplayTree.xxx`, which is different from the fingertree package
organization.  AFAICT the selection of one convention over the other
is fairly arbitrary, although more packages seem to use the "one
second-level hierarchy" structure (e.g. bytestring, text, containers).

John L.

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