Regarding, your question whether this is worth switching from vim to
emacs. I've been using both editors for some years and I very much
doubt, that "you wouldn't spend much time learning emacs". If you are
comfortable with vim, stick with it, unless you are interested in
Emacs or one of its really great modes: org and auctex/reftex.

Regarding, the vi emulations, I'd say they are nice should you ever
be forced to use emacs for some time. But I don't recommend them, I've
tried them all. They are not the real thing. Most of them are vi not
vim emulators. And they always feel like second class citizens in
emacs land. YMMW.

Thanks for your feedback. I've never tried vim so I couldn't tell precisely.

I thought the emulations were nice enough to save time learning emacs. If they are second class citizens, I agree it would be wiser to stick with vim then.


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