On 29/12/2011 18:41, Chris Smith wrote:
Entering tutorial mode here...

On Thu, 2011-12-29 at 10:04 -0800, Donn Cave wrote:
We can talk endlessly about what your external/execution results
might be for some IO action, but at the formulaic level of a Haskell
program it's a simple function value, e.g., IO Int.
Not to nitpick, but I'm unsure what you might mean by "function value"
there.  An (IO Int) is not a function value: there is no function
involved at all.  I think the word function is causing some confusion,
so I'll avoid calling things functions when they aren't.
Except that it *is* a function value.

Basically, a data constructor is a self-referencing function. "Just 1" is a function that returns "Just 1" for instance. According to WinGHCI...

   Prelude> :type Just
   Just :: a -> Maybe a

The IO monad is a black box - we can't see the data constructors - but in principle it's the same thing.

The value extracted out of the IO action when it is executed is a different thing, of course.
These are PURE values... they do NOT have side effects.  Perhaps they
"describe" side effects in a sense, but that's a matter of how you
interpret them; it doesn't change the fact that they play the role of
ordinary values in Haskell.  There are no special evaluation rules for
The semantics of the execution of primitive IO actions are part of the Haskell language. The execution isn't pure functional. At compile-time there is no means to evaluate the key functions at all - no way to extract the result out of an IO action because the action cannot be executed and so doesn't (yet) have a result. At run-time, that restriction is removed, or the special evaluation rules are added in - either claim is fine but the effect that Haskell is doing something it couldn't do at compile-time.

Yes, *Haskell* is doing it - it's still a part of what the Haskell language defines.

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