Hi Sigbjorn (and Don),

I'm back for another reason. feed leaks and uses a lot of memory due to the xml 
package. Rather than fix xml I ported feed to xml-enumerator, which is used by 
yesod and more actively maintained than xml. This seems to have fixed the 
problem so I'm thinking of uploading this version to hackage as feed-1.0 (which 
I'll use for rss2irc and hackagebot.)

Please let me know whether you agree. Also you might be interested in moving 
your repo (http://code.galois.com/cgi-bin/gitweb?p=feed.git;a=summary) to 
github ? This would make it easier to publish my changes, either to the main 
repo or a branch or fork. Otherwise I'll need to get them to your repo somehow.

Thanks again,

On Feb 21, 2011, at 5:14 PM, Simon Michael wrote:
> thanks for feed. I'm just investigating a bug with rss2irc, and I think I'm 
> seeing problems in the current feed on hackage. It lookas as if there's no 
> way to get item updated date as opposed item published date, and 
> getItemPublishDate actually gets the updated date in the case of an atom feed 
> (http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/feed/0.3.8/doc/html/src/Text-Feed-Query.html#getItemPublishDate).
> I'd like to contribute a fix. Would you be able to make feed's repo public, 
> eg on darcsden.com or github ?

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