Steve Horne <sh006d3592 <at>> writes:

>     There's a proposal at the moment to add support for TDNR to Haskell
>     - to leverage "the power of the dot" (e.g. for 
>     I approve of the goal, ...

Steve, I think that proposal has been rather superseeded by, which 
draws on TDNR. But SORF is best seen as an evolving design space, with precise 
details yet to be clarified/agreed. I've put my own variation into the ring:
December/021298.html     -- which seems to have fallen into a black hole :-(

One of the aspects of TDNR that wasn't so popular was that its type-directed 
resolution was very similar to instance resolution, but subtly and confusingly 

I guess we have to be very careful about the dot. It seems to be in a 
very 'crowded' syntax space, so if we implement the wrong way, we could end up 
shutting the door with the keys left inside.

SPJ's observations about how the dot works in other languages are all good 
points. He's arguing that the dot should behave in a familiar way. I'm most 
used to it in SQL as table.column, but I guess for most programmers it's 
object.method. Haskell is already encumbered by, and g . f 
(function composition with spaces round the dot).

I like the part in OverloadedRecordFields (and TDNR) re user-defined 'virtual' 
fields. (fullName being a concatenation of the datatype fields firstName and 
lastName, area being a calculation over a Shape datatype.) But the point about 
those being virtual is that they're not first-class fields: you can't update 
through them. SPJ got 'stuck' at that point.

My proposal was that restricting the dot to field selection wasted too much of 
the design space. Instead dot should be merely syntactic sugar for reverse 
function application. That is:
       whatever.funcmethod ==> (funcmethod whatever)
(Note no spaces around the dot. This is syntactically distinct from qualified 
names because the name to the left of the dot begins lower-case.)

Then funcmethod can be a 'real' field selector, or a virtual field or a class 
method or some other function completely.

So to get to name resolution: since dot is (reverse) function application, we 
can use all the usual Haskell type inference/instance selection 'for free'. 
Either/both `whatever' and `funcmethod' could be arguments passed through from 
a distant call, which turned out to be a record type and field selector (not 
recognisable as such from its name). So we'd get polymorphic record and field 
selection 'for free'.

I'd also like to be able to mix the dot with qualified names:
       A.b.(C.D.e.f).G.h ==> (G.h ((f C.D.e) A.b))
The syntax rule is: an upper-case name to the left of the dot means this is a 
qualified name, and binds most tightly. lower-case to the left means reverse-
function applic. Of course you can use parentheses to group differently.

(Re a one-sided dot I have no intuitions. TDNR includes some options for 
partial application/sections, SORF some more. They seem to me what Wirth would 
call 'rococo'. If dot is to be merely function application, it hardly seems 
worth worrying about.)

How do we get field names to be suitable funcmethods for dot applying to 
records? And how do we support field update? ==> Subjects for a different post.

There's also an elephant in the room I haven't talked about: TDNR started with 
what happens inside an IDE when you type `x.' and all the possible methods (or 
fields) for x pop up. This follows the philosophy in OO of focus on the 
object -> look for the action. (Same thinking as right-click in GUI's. 
Contrast old-style 'green screen' applications where you went down a menu tree 
first (action), then looked for your object.)

If the dot is merely function application, then what follows the dot could 
be 'anything' (including very generic functions like show or return). I plain 
don't know if IDE's can be smart enough to spot that what's to the left of the 
dot is a datatype and offer its fields, or get from its type to its instances 
to their methods. (Actually, under my proposal, datatype to fields is exactly 
datatype to Has instance.) (How) could it tell what are more-specific or more-
generic methods?

>     My basic idea is stolen from Bertrand Meyer (Object-Oriented
>     Software Construction, second edition). Basically, a class *is* both
>     a module and a type. ...

1) Are you sure that C++ classes/instances/methods are comparable enough to 
Haskell's? This is a very confusing area of terminology for object-oriented 
cp. functional languages.

2) Have you looked at GHC 7.4.1 innovations around classes-as-types and 
Constraint kinds?

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