On 08/02/2012 02:26, John Meacham wrote:
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:24 AM, Simon Marlow<marlo...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Separately the unix package added support for undecoded FilePaths
(RawFilePath), but unfortunately at the same time we started using a new
extension in GHC 7.4.1 (CApiFFI), which we decided not to document because
it was still experimental:

Hi, from my reading, it looks like 'capi' means from a logical perspective,

"Don't assume the object is addressible, but rather that the standard c syntax
for calling this routine will expand into correct code when compiled with the
stated headers"

So, it may be implemented by say creating a stub .c file that includes the
  headers and creates a wrapper around each one or when compiling via C,
actually including the given headers and the function calls in the code.

Yes, that's exactly it. In GHC we create a stub (even when compiling via C, for simplicity of implementation).


I ask because jhc needs such a feature (very hacky method used now,
the rts knows some problematic functions and includes hacky wrappers
and #defines.) and I'll make it behave just like the ghc one when possible.


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