Florian Hartwig wrote:
Hi everyone,
I would like to do the GSoC project outlined in

One of Haskell's great strengths is its support for all kinds of concurrent
and parallel programmming, so I think that the Haskell ecosystem would
benefit from having a wider range of efficient concurrent data structures.
Also, more selfishly, I remember reading the article in CACM last summer and
thinking that the whole idea of updating data structures directly using
atomic compare-and-swap was really cool, so I would love to have an excuse
to play around with it.

Some (initial) ideas for lock-free data structures worth implementing:
1. A lock-free priority queue, e.g. using the approach based on skip-lists
explained in [2]
2. Stacks, see [1] and [3]
3. Hash tables [4]
but if anyone has other suggestions, I would obviously happy to hear them.

Since I don't know much about concurrency, I have a simple question: what is the difference between atomic compare-and-swap and software transactional memory? Both are lock-free? Is it possible to implement every data structure based on CAS in terms of STM? What are the drawbacks? The other way round?

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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