I ended up discussing in university with the person next to me about
Haskell. He's an old-timer who's even been to conferences, but it's a
long time since he's looked at Haskell. He asked me to write "what's new
in Haskell", but I'm not too experienced myself.

I didn't realize asking how long it's been for him, but he mentioned
about new fronts in optimizing compilers and specifically mentioned a
compiler that could compile to legible C. I've been following Haskell
only for a couple of years, so my intuition tells me that he means
`-fvia-c`, and I mentioned to him that it's about to be deprecated and
replaced with the llvm back-end. I also mentioned hackage, but he hadn't
heard of it.

He mentioned that he'd like to use Haskell for his master's thesis, but
we got a interrupted when he said what it was about. Formal something or

I trust you fellow Haskellers have better understanding of the time
frame, and can think of something interesting new features, libraries,
communities etc. that's since been emerged. I ask you to give me
something interesting to give him and reinstate his interest.

Mats Rauhala

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