Alright, thank-you Ivan.  I'm not yet using any standard library for
my graphs, although no doubt I should, and FGL sounds like the obvious
choice.  Just hoping for a "tour de force" example of the layout and
visualisation possibilities, preferably some Haskell code in the
public domain that was guaranteed to work with the current version of
the graphviz library, and could be used by newcomers as a springboard.
 Probably I'm being lazy, and should just start from scratch from the
API.  Thanks again for your efforts!  -Andrew

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
<> wrote:
> On 20 April 2012 03:21, Ras Far <> wrote:
>> Hello Ivan,
>> Thanks for bringing Graphviz to Haskell, and for your continuing
>> dedication to making it more complete!
>> I just tried Graphvis for the first time a few days ago.  I regretted
>> the absence of example code, especially as the API has been evolving,
>> so that examples on the Web do not generally work without change.
>> I see that the inclusion of QuickStart-style documentation is on your
>> short-term list of milestones.  I suppose an example program is not
>> quite that, but it might help.  Do you have something along these
>> lines?  Or, if not, if I managed to put something together which
>> exercises a good cross-section of the features, do you think you could
>> include it with the next release?  I suppose there's a trade-off
>> between ease of maintaining the code through releases, and feature
>> coverage of the example(s)...
> Well, one reason I haven't included anything like that is because I'm
> not sure what to write, or where to put it!
> If you're using FGL graphs, you probably want [graphToDot]; otherwise,
> [graphElemsToDot] might do what you want (for which I've written an
> [example], which is also linked to from the [FAQ]).
> [graphToDot]: 
> [graphElemsToDot]:
> [tutorial](
> [FAQ]:
> --
> Ivan Lazar Miljenovic

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