Stephanie Weirich wrote:
I don't think we want to allow types like:

    forall . Int   or     forall a b. Int

These types are mostly bugs. Furthermore, rejecting them doesn't limit expressiveness: they should both be "equivalent" to Int, so user could just write Int. I can't really think how allowing these types extends the expressiveness of the language, nor can I imagine a situation where someone would prefer seeing one of these types instead of Int.

If you restrict yourself to programs entirely written by humans, I agree completely. But if you consider programs written by programs (say Template Haskell to be specific, but it could be via many other means), such degenerate types occur rather often. Haskell does have 'const' at the value-level, and it is very useful. And so is 'const' at the type-level, especially for code generators.

If there were a standard library of type-simplifiers, that could preprocess "forall a b. Int" to "Int", I again would be fine with only allowing Int.

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