On 2007 Feb 2, at 11:17 PM, Kirsten Chevalier indited:
You just highlighted the inconsistency:
You refer to "import lists"... you appear to think of the import
syntax _as a list_,
and it is precisely that mental processing where the inconsistency
If it is an "import" _list_ it can have trailing commas, but if it is
some <other> _list_, it can't.
I don't see the justification for making those two cases different.

The thing that I think Neil and Ganesh were trying to get at is that
an import list can't appear in just any context (that's what's meant
by it not being a first-class value), so Haskell programmers *do*
usually think about them differently.

If that is the case, the question becomes:
        How should "how one thinks about them" be reflected in the syntax?
Aren't [ 1, 2, 3 ] and ( 1, 2, 3 ) thought about differently?
Yet isn't it enough that a mere bending of the brackets is enough to distinguish them?

To exaggerate for effect: :-)
        Are we "fooled" by the commas?
Are newbies wailing at the gates for being confused and thwarted in their understandings by the heinous comma?

Already there are many places in the syntax where commas are used as "separators for items in a larger-group".

Yet if "how one thinks about those groups" were a driving factor at the syntax level, the syntax would not be as unified as it is, would it? How can we (humans) unify all that: Yes, this is a _list_, that is a _tuple_, over there is a _deriving_ clause ... and yet are we confused that they all use commas? Apparently not. We are confused that in certain contexts a trailing comma is permitted and in others it is not, because there is no underlying or unifying principle apparent. It is just rote memorization that does not serve a higher principle/purpose.

What power have I gained by allowing a trailing comma in some places, but not uniformly everywhere that a comma is used _as a separator_? Cause I sure gain a lot by not having to remember niggling details about "Oh yes, I can use it here, but not there." And that has nothing to do with "how I think about the larger semantics"... "comma separated items in a group" is just too prevalent for it to belong to only one little domain...

So yes, I agree, how I think about those groups is very different. And the syntax of grouping things is similar enough that it gets out of the way... I'd just like to make it uniform in this one regard.


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