Wolfgang Jeltsch:
Am Donnerstag, 24. April 2008 05:13 schrieb Manuel M T Chakravarty:

Hence, anything that is *important* to change, we should change now.

Although I can follow your arguments, I thought that the large and disruptive
changes should be done for Haskell 2.

Depends what you mean by Haskell 2. If it is an experimental language that shares some superficial similarities with Haskell, sure we may have Haskell 2. If you mean a serious successor of Haskell with the expectation that many/most Haskell users will eventually move to Haskell 2, then no. Haskell has been gaining a lot of momentum recently. That's good and bad, but surely makes it hard to change the trajectory. (This is, of course, just my personal opinion.)

 If they should really be done now, we
should also fix a lot of other things. For example, the Num hierarchy, the Functor/Applicative/Monad hierarchy, the fact that there exist Alternative and MonadPlus although we have Monoid, the fact that we cannot have contexts like (forall a. Monoid (m a)) which is the source for the last problem, the fact that we don’t have class aliases, ugly names like fmap and mappend, etc.

As Lennart and Ganesh have argued, the amount of breaking changes that we we will be able to fit in without causing serious problems is limited.


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