>> I updated the code on the wiki page: the previous version didn't handle
>> prefix negation - did you implement that yourself in HLint?
> No, I didn't implement prefix negation in HLint - it never came up as
> an issue. Perhaps the underlying HSE library dealt with it for me -
> Niklas would know.

In haskell-src-exts (and haskell-src, since that's inherited), unary
minus binds tighter than any infix operator:

> exp0b :: { PExp }
>       : exp0b qop exp10b              { InfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
>       | dvarexp                       { $1 }
>       | exp10b                        { $1 }

> exp10b :: { PExp }
>       : 'case' exp 'of' altslist      { Case $2 $4 }
>       | '-' fexp                      { NegApp $2 }
>       | 'do' stmtlist                 { Do $2 }
>       | 'mdo' stmtlist                { MDo $2 }
>       | fexp                          { $1 }

It has never come up as a problem. Guess that's a point in case for
getting rid of unary minus as an operator. :-)


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